
Basic cosmetics: how to choose the right cosmetics?


As a rule, every woman, in addition to the basic set of cosmetics, has a couple of products that she does not use at all. Addicted to advertising, just liked the shade of the shadows, purchased at a discount, etc. In order not to waste money, you need to learn how to choose the right makeup for yourself.

The advice of professional makeup artists will tell you how to choose cosmetics for daily makeup, to look natural and beautiful and not to spend money on makeup products you don’t need.

In order to make a natural facial make-up, you will need cosmetics such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. When choosing cosmetics for daily makeup, pay attention to pastel and neutral shades of eyeshadow and lipstick.

How to choose the right makeup for daily makeup

How to choose cosmetics: the basis for daily makeup

The foundation for face makeup will be a tonal product that needs to be selected according to the type of your skin. If you have oily skin with shine, you need a matte foundation. Please note that the shine of the skin is not only a sign of oily skin. Perhaps your skin is simply overdried and dehydrated. As a rule, pores are clearly visible on oily skin, if they are not there, and the skin is shiny, use mineral friable powder for makeup foundation.

To correct the problem areas of the face, you can choose a concealer or corrector, which you need to select the same color as the foundation.

When applying the foundation for makeup, do not forget about the lips and eyelids of the eyes, which also need to be said to cover so that the face looks natural and has an even tone.

How to choose cosmetics: makeup blush for every day

Only those that are suitable for your complexion are needed to choose a face blush. They should not be too different from skin tone.

For a person whose skin is covered with redness or vascular veins are visible, it is necessary to choose a blush of pinkish shades. Pinkish brown shades of blush will also be suitable for this type of face.

Blush of peach and coral shades are more suitable for facial skin with freckles or pigmentation.

How to choose cosmetics: eye shadow for day makeup

As already mentioned, shades of neutral matte and light shades are better for daily eye makeup. You can not do without a matte light creamy shade of eyeshadow, which will become the basis for creating daytime makeup. Shadows of similar shades are applied on a moving eyelid and under an eyebrow. You can emphasize eye makeup with dark brown or gray shades.

You can diversify your makeup with lighter shadows that are applied to the blinking eyelid or to the crease of the eyelid. For daily makeup, it is necessary that the transition between the shadows is not sharp.

How to choose cosmetics: lipstick for everyday makeup

To make daily makeup look natural, lipstick needs to be chosen in neutral shades, close to the natural color of your lips.

This lipstick is suitable for any clothes. To choose a lipstick that suits you, apply gloss or lipstick with vertical lines on the lower lip. Thus, you will choose the lipstick that suits you best.

How to choose cosmetics: mascara

Mascara should be selected depending on the desired effect. Tighten, lengthen, make more thick, all this can not be done by one mascara.

For direct eyelashes, it is better to choose mascara with a straight silicone brush, which tightens the eyelashes well.

A mascara with a classic wide brush is better for curled eyelashes.

That's all - there is already a basic set of cosmetics for daily makeup, and how to choose the right cosmetics, follow our simple recommendations. And do not forget to remove all makeup from the face every evening so that the skin remains healthy and beautiful.
