
Discipline, as well as skill, quickness and courage, are the components of Suvorov’s Science of Winning


What qualities make a career successful?

Alexander Losev

As for the financial consultant for life insurance, the German term die Ordnung, which means "systematization" or "order", is correctly applied here. This is not quite a discipline, it is a kind of set of rules, a certain behavior and this is what helps to set up processes, structures the working day and complements motivation. When a person has some kind of "inner core", then he will work much more efficiently. For example, an employee did not get enough sleep or quarreled with someone, his mood or weather changed, or something unpleasant happened, then the quality of his work may change. But if there are clearly arranged business processes, if you are used to following them in the same way as in the morning you are used to brushing your teeth or washing your hands before eating, then this is a set of rules that is fixed almost in the subconscious, which can be executed automatically, regardless of mood or time years in the yard, just allows you to move quite smoothly and fulfill their duties, while maintaining the "Olympic calm." And the factors that can support you against this background will only improve your performance.
About human development

Man, if we digress from religious theories, is himself the smith of his own happiness. We can only talk about the trajectories of movement to happiness. A person is ready to move and develop - he will do it an infinite amount of time, and neither illness nor difficulty can prevent him, this is proved by so many people.
Changes in life should be perceived as a challenge (Americans say - challenge), as the need to move on. Churchill said: "If you go through hell, keep going, don't stop!" From early childhood I was fond of mathematics and physics, participated in competitions, graduated from Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and was going to engage in space exploration and the development of high technology. Together with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country did not need the space industry. My prospects and future scientific or engineering career collapsed overnight. And when life set me the choice: to sell newspapers near the metro, get a job as a security guard at a construction site, wash cars ... or look for myself in a different field, for example, on the stock market, I simply gathered my strength, found an opportunity to earn some money, then I found a job and got a second , now an economic education. In the 90s, he worked 14 hours a day, for several years he did not take leave and sick leave. And where to go? Well, it wasn’t for me to become a bandit or jump under a train. Everyone has their own choice.
If a person has lost his job, he has an incentive to find a new one. If there is no such motivation, then, of course, you can drink a “hawthorn” or a windshield washer (because even there will be no money for beer), but the truth is, the body will not last long and will say: Adieu!
Maybe I'm somewhat misanthrope. I saw how my generation survived. We entered an independent life at a time when the “world collapsed”, there was no money, no skills, no one to trust, no one to rely on, we had to do everything ourselves and get out of the abyss despite fatigue, falls, bruises and abrasions. I may be overly critical of people, but I think that if a person is able to develop, then he will improve and move forward. But he will not do anything if he does not want to, if everything suits him, if laziness. And if everything suits him, then why pity him? Well, do not - and do not, sit in the dung and rejoice that you are comfortable there.Here I do not want to drag anyone by the ears. On the contrary, I try to help those people who really show the desire and desire to work, because I know how hard it used to be to me and what it can be. I try to transfer experience and knowledge, show opportunities, recommend someone. But those who do not want anything and do not strive to acquire knowledge and skills, I will not extend, for me they simply do not exist, I have a lot of other worries.
Life insurance as the basis of financial literacy and confidence in the future
If we take the history of insurance in Russia, then back in the 18th century, when fire insurance became widespread, this was the very first step towards the total education of the population that there are certain mechanisms that guarantee a person a roof over his head. This was a step forward compared with the usual commodity-money relations. Therefore, having become acquainted with the insurance system and understanding how it works, people had a different attitude to their risks in various aspects related to labor, trade and savings. Any mechanism that guarantees at least some stability over a certain period of time changes a person’s attitude to his income and prospects. The lands favorable for life and agriculture in the Black Earth region were inhabited only in the 17th century, when the state became stronger and was able to reflect the attacks of nomads. And when people live on the border of the wild steppe, after sowing grain, they do not know whether they will harvest or not if the nomads come and destroy everything. And this greatly hindered the development of the country, because it changed the perception of the future, and people no longer wanted to grow bread and build houses there, but rather wanted to flee somewhere into the wilderness to the north of the European part of Russia, where at least the crops were scarce but nomads there won't get there. Another thing is when you have some kind of guarantee in case of trouble. And when you know that health problems or property will not be a disaster and everything will be restored. Therefore, insurance is a good source of additional and sometimes basic knowledge and skills on what savings, financial instruments, risks and guarantees are.
Cognition as a cure for stress
I believe that stress helps to cope with interest in the world, a personal hobby or a hobby. We humans, therefore, are different from animals (though not from everyone), because we are interested not only in meeting some basic needs, but also in what the world around us represents. Studying this world or what was in the past and will appear in the future, independent creativity or playing sports and much more can become a hobby and help switch to the perception of something else, more interesting or useful. And it doesn’t matter if this hobby is related to your work or what you previously studied. This will be a lesson that opens the door to some kind of "parallel worlds" and spaces of perception. This helps to escape from troubles and relieve accumulated stress. Moreover, here the choice can be individual, the main thing is not to follow the stress, trying to cure it with antidepressants or alcohol, especially drugs. Although I believe that a glass of wine at dinner is not scary. The main thing is not to get involved.
As for hobbies, unfortunately, a lot depends on the level of education of a person. If a person is not told, if he doesn’t read, see, or learn about some things and phenomena, if his mind is not trained to perceive something, then it will be difficult for him to choose a direction, especially if the person is subject the influence of his narrow circle of friends or lives in a place where it is difficult to get an idea of ​​any holistic picture of the world. But the Internet is spreading throughout the country, and wherever a person lives, there is always something that might interest him, whether it be cooking, fishing, the history of his city or military reconstruction, whether it will be a philosophy, sports or, for example, soccer world cups. Who cares? Studying aspects of human activity in other areas, even watching television broadcasts of football matches, you still see emblems, symbols, flags, you hear the names of clubs, cities and countries, and you want to know more about these cities, states and their peoples.And you may want to go there and see with your own eyes how life is arranged there.
We are surrounded by information. Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky believed that the Earth is surrounded not only by the atmosphere and biosphere, but also by the shell of the collective human mind - the noosphere, that is, the sphere of thoughts and consciousness. And a person who seeks to think can get information from this noosphere. Therefore, always and in everything there is a sense, there is always the opportunity to see information in any things and begin to study it. It’s important to just get used to the fact that the world is full of information, that the world is not monotonous, not gray, not hostile, not boring. Do not think that everything is against you, and you are so miserable. This is not so, because we ourselves can change this world - manage our life, or maybe even manage history in some way.
The more information we accumulate, the more opportunities we have to systematize it. We train brains. That information that is not needed will be screened out by itself. A person is not able to see and know everything. But even if now it seems that there is a lot of information, after some time it will not seem so. Anyone who has graduated from a technical university and really studied mathematics or physics there will understand that a lot was given at school, but when we get to, for example, quantum mechanics, it turns out that there was very little information in the school. And the information that we come across further, more and more, more and more. And when my child complains that it is difficult to do homework in physics, I suggest that he take out any of 10 volumes from the bookcase on the course of theoretical physics Landau and Lifshitz and see how physics really looks and how much more complicated than in school books . It is necessary to train the brain. He himself will cut off the unnecessary, and he will remember and apply the necessary. This may not always be applicable immediately, sometimes it may manifest itself and be needed after years. Some knowledge that you heard about as a child can help, for example, when you get to an unfamiliar place and you have a mobile phone, there is no network, the navigator does not work, and there is no one to ask, but you need to get out somehow. And then you will remember that you were taught at school on which side of the tree there is moss, where is the east, if you know that it is noon and the sun is on the south side. Cases are different. Information from a chemistry course will help to remove a stain from clothes, and, for example, basic knowledge of first aid to someone will save a life.
The material was first published in the corporate journal Renlife.
Source: PR,


Watch the video: The Physics of Life - Inspirers (December 2024).