
10 fashion tips from Coco Chanel


Elegance has become synonymous with the name of the legendary Chanel. Flawless taste in 10 tips from

"Originality leads to a masquerade"

Try not to overdo it with originality. Gabrielle Chanel has always promoted a restrained style: skirts covering her knees, the right jacket, black dress, trousers, and shoes are the basis of Coco's wardrobe. The accuracy and dignity with which a real woman wears these simple things is much more colorful than sophisticated outfits with elaborate details.

"Beauty is in simplicity"

Chanel style colors are made up of black, beige, white, gray and muted shades of blue.

"Before leaving the house, look in the mirror and take off one accessory"

Gabrielle Chanel could not imagine her wardrobe without many accessories. Threads of pearls, bracelets, watches, beautiful earrings - all this, of course, colors a woman. However, the golden rule says: everything is good in moderation.

"Luxury must be comfortable; otherwise it is not luxury."

Chanel was the first to introduce a purely masculine garment into her wardrobe - pants. Perfectly tailored, shortened, they must be worn - because it is more convenient than skirts! Chanel designed shoes that have become the brand's trademark: comfortable, squat, low-heeled. In these shoes you can do a thousand things, run to a hundred different places, and at the same time remain luxurious and elegant every second.

"Luxury is when the inside is as beautiful as the face."

Chanel did not allow savings in the creation of linings, seams, everything that is not open to the eye. You must be beautiful to the very last insole. What others do not see, you know, and it is read in the look. Therefore: not a single old garment, not a single spool on a stocking. Not a single slip even from the inside out.

"Ah, if you could teach people some negligence, carelessness! "

Negligence does not mean sloppiness. An elegant scarf thrown around the neck with a free movement is nonchalance. Uncoated scarf - sloppiness. When there is an element of lack of thought in your outfit, it creates the impression that you are who you are and look great for you is a common thing. But if everything is too correct in your wardrobe, you might think that your beauty is purely external and does not go from the inside.

Thing should sit flawlessly on you

It doesn’t matter if it’s expensive or cheap, old or new, prestigious or simple. She sits well - and that’s enough.
"It is necessary that the suit can move, and he does not bully. It is necessary that you can bend down. Play golf. Even ride a horse, all in the same suit. What I say is a Chinese letter for those who are now engaged in fashion. They only think about how to hit, but whom? ", - Coco Chanel.

Hands should be free

There is no spectacle more miserable than a woman in whom everything falls out of her hands. You loaded yourself nowhere else, but is it feminine? Gabrielle Chanel removed from the hands of women everything that prevents them.She announced the clutches to be held yesterday. And she created an elegant quilted reticule on a long strap that freed the woman's hands and proclaimed her freedom. The legendary handbag Chanel 2.55 is considered one of the things that can last a lifetime.

Perfume is also clothes.

And your favorite fragrance is the best clothes. One of Coco Chanel’s famous phrases reads: “A woman who does not know how to wear perfume has no future!” The famous square bottle "Chanel No. 5", a thin string of pearls and a small black dress - all that is needed in order to conquer the world.

“Look for the woman inside the dress. There is no woman - there is no dress”

In this phrase the whole philosophy of the famous fashion icon. Remember, a woman adorns herself - her soul, her mood, her character, her look. And clothes are an addition that is intended only to emphasize natural beauty and not spoil it.
Material prepared by Polina Novikova
